Strike Aircraft War Thunder - If you're a history buff, most of you are familiar with the War Thunder aircraft, which were produced and used in large numbers during World War II; There are also a couple that have only reached the prototype stage to keep some unusual variants interesting. War Thunder isn't aimed at the realistic level of a solid simulator, and some combat scenarios are a little impossible for the sake of gameplay, but it makes up for a lot. the accuracy of the models and the way they behave, so the actual knowledge of aircraft, roles and tactics should be widely transferred to the game. If you are not an air traveler, here is a quick overview of the types of aircraft.

Aircraft in War Thunder are divided into three main groups: Fighters, Bombers, and Attackers. To quickly identify the aircraft name, e.g. Your tech trees and loops are color-coded: Fighters are yellow-orange, bombers are blue, and attackers are green. There are several subgroups within the main groups, and many aircraft can perform different roles according to their historical counterparts.

Strike Aircraft War Thunder

Strike Aircraft War Thunder

As the name suggests, fighter jets are designed to fight other aircraft. Most War Thunder fighters are single-engine, single-seat aircraft, including many iconic WWII aircraft such as the Spitfire, P-51 Mustang, and A6M Zero. First-class fighters usually have light machine guns, which are not suitable for taking down large bombers (although a lucky/accurate hit can take out pilots or key components, or enough shots will eventually destroy everything); later models have cannons or heavy machine guns with large batteries, and the weight of fire is much greater.

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Heavy Fighters are like Fighters, but heavier. Avoid them as they are twin-engined, usually two-seater aircraft like the Bf 110, Beaufighter, and Pe-3, and often pack heavier weapons for maneuverability than single-engine fighters of the same class. dogfight with faster enemies. Rear gunners can offer some protection, but a machine gun or two won't stop the horrors, so don't rely on them too much. Heavy fighters are ideal for hunting down bombers and lack of maneuverability is not a problem.

Bombers' job is to drop bombs; The point is in the name. Medium and heavy bombers such as the Heinkel He 111, Lancaster, and B-17 Flying Fortress use bombers to drop bombs while flying at medium to high altitudes. There is a bombing tutorial, but in case you missed it, the general way to bomb a level is to reach a certain height, set a ground target, and switch to the bomb sight (F7):

When the target appears, press the spacebar. In arcade mode, as well as ball sighting, you have a nice, big crosshair that shows you where the ball will land, which you can use to see third-person (third-plane?) targets if you want. this; Once locked onto a ground target (middle mouse button by default), the camera can then be positioned over that target to maintain focus during bombing runs (right mouse button by default). In level flight, the crosshairs must be stable, and in climbs and dives, this represents the spread of the bomb, so you really want the crosshairs to be fully rigid for optimum accuracy.

Medium and heavy bombers are large, slow, woody targets. They have multiple turrets for defense, which can be very effective with experienced gunners, or you can control the rear gunner by pressing F6, but when the battle gets tougher, it's often impossible to win a duel. If you want a friendly battle partner, you'll probably need to bring a team, team cohesion is a rarity in arcade games, so one way to stay safe is to climb as high as possible, especially in the front row. , when underpowered engines take longer to level up an enemy fighter; If the enemy team is distracted by low-level skirmishes, you can throw your bombs and clays around waiting for them to charge, but if one of the enemy fighters gets high early in the game, you'll be delaying the inevitable. . High altitude bombing works best against stationary targets, such as strategic targets on a ground strike map, unless you can calculate how far the tank is traveling when the bomb drops and hit the target correctly.

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Some bombers, such as the Ju 87 Stuka, SBD Dauntless, and D3A Val, were designed to deliver bombs in steep dives, strangely classified as dive bombers (this naming scheme is pretty easy once you figure it out). Their method of attack is different from previous level bombers: in level flight, the target grid is not visible on the ground at all, and in shallow dives, it is visible with wide markings, indicating that it is a misfire.

Dive bombers can place their bombs very precisely, so they are good for attacking moving vehicles or ships, but you have to pay a little attention to the movement of the target. Although low level ammo makes them vulnerable; I like to get to a decent height and fly past the target a bit (as long as there aren't any troublesome fighters) so after the attack you can use the momentum you've gained to land. Back home (hopefully) in relative safety as soon as possible instead of bleeding that speed down the line.

Are torpedo bombers such as the TBF Avenger, Swordfish, and B5N Kate bombers that carry anyone? If you said "torpedo," give yourself five points. Although if you're really smart you could argue that a torpedo isn't a bomb and should be called a "Torpedo", but that's silly. Anyway, once again here's a tutorial that covers torpedo attacks, if you want to practice it's pretty easy; You'll get a nice big line showing where the torpedo is going, which turns green when it stops on the target (if it's not on the screen, it'll show up in the bottom right corner, and it should explain why, usually "Too high" or "Wrong angle" (Or maybe you don't have any torpedoes, in which case you're in the wrong part of the guide.) When you're within half a kilometer of your target, press the spacebar to launch the torpedo.

Strike Aircraft War Thunder

Torpedo attacks are easy to line up, but flying straight and level at low altitudes makes them vulnerable to both fighter attacks and destroyer and battleship fire.

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Attackers are low-altitude ground attack aircraft armed with artillery, missiles and/or bombs. Several aircraft were designed specifically for ground attack, such as the Il-2 Sturmovik; Other attacks in War Thunder include the German Hs 129 and the American A-20 Havoc. The general technique is to aim at the tank/med case/cannon and shoot it with rockets or cannons and take out the burning wreckage before it hits; The last moment is especially important. To drop a bomb they are usually more accurate when diving, look at the line of sight on the reticle of the bomber. With their powerful weapons, attackers can be used in heavy combat roles when there are no ground targets in the vicinity; They don't do well against dedicated fighters, but anti-tank guns can really mess up bombers.

The Light Bomber is something of a mixed bag; Some light fighter-bombers, like the Blenheim, act like their medium and heavy brothers, dropping bombs from high altitude (only with a much smaller payload), while others, like the Soviet Su-2, are better. suitable for low-level shooting. As the war progressed and engines became more powerful, light bombers generally became obsolete as fighters could carry similar payloads; A Class III Typhoon fighter/bomber can carry twice as much cargo as a Blenheim.

Many aircraft have different roles depending on their weapons load; For example, the Beaufighter Mk X is classified as a heavy fighter/torpedo bomber, but can be equipped with missiles instead of torpedoes for a more offensive role. Most Torpedo Bombers can carry conventional bombs, so they are completely useless on maps without naval targets. The Soviet Ar-2 submarine/intermediate bomber could deliver its bombs from surface flight by rocket or dive. Perhaps the most famous fighter-bombers are the Typhoon, the P-47 Thunderbolt, and the F-variant Fw 190.

Fighter jets can attack ground targets such as low-altitude attackers with missiles, bombs and/or artillery, and can drop bombs from dives, but are more powerful in air-to-air combat. Airborne bombs will affect performance, so if air superiority is a priority (after most Real War or Domination games).

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